28 September 2008

Moments with Buñuel

Somedays I really expect to turn around and see Luis Buñuel with a handheld camera in one hand, martini in the other saying: "You are on my candid camera, beetch."

Let me explain.

5 am Wake up, begin preparing, alone, for my yard sale later that day
7 am Buy coffee from You Say Tomato, begin bringing all of my Gently Used Crap downstairs. Back begins to hurt
8 am Nice gentleman from the first floor apartment, who is still up from his antics from the night before, brings the rest of my Gently Used Crap downstairs. I trade him his services for a coffee table. Two young women leave his apartment shortly thereafter. You go, guy.
9 am - 1 pm Sold a bunch of my Gently Used Crap to philosophers, Cubans, and bussers. During this time, I also saw three men cut down a tree in the least logical manner possible. Good times.
1.15 pm Start taking all of my Gently Used Crap upstairs. Doug the landlord helps. Nice man
1.30 pm Dana comes over to take me to the airport. I need to pack.
2.00 pm Grab an iced tea while dropping off my vacuum to Room 39. Joel hates me.
4.00 pm Leave, and as I am boarding my plane I realize I left my hoodie at home. Good thing I forgot my razor, too. At least my legs will be warm.
4-5 (denver time) Lay over in Denver for 25 minutes. I race down to Mesa Verde for a Blue Moon, an iced tea, some chips and salsa, and two cigarettes. And the Frontier boarding guy said it couldn't be done!
5.30-7.45 (CA time) Had the greatest conversation with Philomina and Keith in our first row seats. For the entire two hours!!! Great nice people originally from Minnesota, ya nooo? Ben from Oakland approves of my Chabon selection. Goodbye hugs from the flight attendants - see you at Charlies!
8.00-8.30 BART ride. Had a great existential movie moment with a stranger in the opposite train.
9.00 Find the Mosser just as my phone battery dies.
9.00-9.30 Shower away the airplane stink
9.30 Annabelle Bistro-the hotel's bar and restaurant. Befriend Rob, who pours a GREAT Syrah. (Seriously this wine is made by Silver Oak, and it is the perfect High School Reunion wine, you know, not as vindictive as an Italian, or as mutedly snobby as a French, or as robust and welcoming as a Spanish, but just a good nose-punching pepper for when you want to feel just the slightest bit of pretention).
10.00 meet Crystal and Steve. I now have a waiting job (they introduced me to their manager at the hotel across the street).
11.00 Bed time for Megan

Thus spake Megathustra

21 September 2008


When this person first emailed me in my response to a Room Wanted ad on Craigslist, she wrote in at least decent grammar. Even if this WASN'T a scam, I have major reservations about sharing my space with someone with minimal respect to basic grammar. If anyone can decipher the last sentence of this missive, I will give you a really big hug. (I'm moving to San Francisco, this is all I can afford).

Hello Roommate,

Enclosed in this mail, you will find the tenancy agreement duly
prepared by my Attorney with a copy of my international passport .I
want you to go through it carefully and then you'll get to study the
terms and condition of living in my spare flat. If everything is okay
for you, get back asap because we'll need to move on with the second
phase of the documentation and also how my attorney can confirm your

If you agree with the terms and condition you have to sign the
contract and send it back to me so that i can sign as well and for me
to have it in my record as regards you living in my spare flat ..I
have attached a copy of my international passport to you so that you
can know your fellow flatmate whenever you are coming to your

I really have lots of offer who are interested in my flat i but i turn
down their offer all because of you also which you are aware about it,
why am renting out the apartment is because the apartment is too big
for me not the money but i cant just allow the carzy bills to run like
that I will like you to proceed with me on the second phase so that my
Attorney can confirm your reservation and for the flat to be reserve
in your favor upon your arrival date. I really don't have much say
about the you making the reservation but i have entrust everything to
my Attorney and she made me to understand that she need to confirm,
your reservation for her to be positive sure about you so that the
flat can be reserve in your favor upon your arrival date .

Which mean i need to hear from you soon so that i can explain to my
Attorney also for her to give me a suitable response that will be in
your favor on how she will prefer you making the reservation.

I will like to come and pick you up my self at the airport if you
dont mind just send me your necessry flight arrangement detils so that
i can be there at the excat time and date..

Megan what will buy for me when you are coming to your apartment mean
as a gift ?

Here is my direct # 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx

Thank you and Remain Blessed..



Thus spake Megathustra

10 September 2008

Observing the Observer

After all of the trials and tribulations of The Great Existential Wild Western Roadshow...Now With Politics! 2008, after all of the countless (or, 3000) pictures taken, hours of video shot, in the midst of editing all of these things plus my moleskine-full of sentences into something one could consider to be a journalistic endeavor into the abyss of my still-adolescent mind; after years of philosophical inquiry, two days driving through a desert, 6 hours in Vegas, a week of the DNC, a week on various beaches, recreations of senior-style pictures...this is the shot I think encapsulates the entire trip.

Upon returning to the metropolis known to most as Kansas City, I realize that I really should be closer to an ocean, with my camera, Eugene (the skinny, white, hairless monster whom I love), coffee, and a well-painted green backdrop. Now if I only hadn't lost my hairdryer during those debaucherous 6 hours in Vegas, I could possibly lose the towel...but my new '47-style bangs require a bit more attention...

Please stay tuned for the more existential last legs of what will henceforth be known as The Greatest Vacation EVER 2008.

Thus spake Megathustra

05 September 2008

I've decided I have watered down versions of my parents' talents.

My momma takes pictures. Recently she found a sunflower field, and here is one of my favorite images from her set.
I like the way my parents see the world. My dad thinks this flower looks like Donald Duck.

Thus spake Megathustra

A Taste of What's to Come...

I Have The Devil In Me

A Weakness of the Flesh

Thus spake Megathustra

02 September 2008

My Life on the Road...Part Mountain Goats and Near Death Experiences

Tony and I decided to take a break from all the drama of the Convention and take a nice jaunt up to Mount Evans, the highest elevated road (drivable by normal people) in all the land. We missed the turn, but we ended up here for a bit:

Not bad, eh?

We got situated with the directions and finally found the $3 entrance to Mount Evans Road. Please note the nearly 20 degree F difference in temperature at the base and the top.

High above tree line, a lone alien awaits. (Or a motorcyclist watching mountain goats.)

Like this one!

Toto, I don't think we are in Kansas anymore.

Again, the layering of my shots! If I weren't so humble I'd call myself a genius.

Hold on, it gets worse from here.

You know how there are disclaimers on everything these days? Well there is one here too. Normally I disregard such things, but I should have taken this seriously.

"Dude, we're at 14,130 feet."

"I know"

"It hurts to breathe"

Good thing there are props for this mountain. I was worried.

You can't frame this shit.

Remember that altitude sickness disclaimer? Yeah, it's about now when I am kicking myself for not heeding more attention to it. It's also about now when the ranger dude comes up and asks R-"You got altitude sickness?"
M-"Yeah. I'm prone to vertigo, so it is one or the other. Can I die from this?"
R-"Yeah, your brain is swelling right now."
M-"To match my ego?"
R-"You should go down the mountain now"
M-"Will you take a picture of my friend and I first?"

R- "Sure."
Let it be known that as much as I love Tony G., I am not just hugging him because he is my friend. He was my main vertical support system at this particular moment.

We head down the mountain and back to civilization, just in time to head to Hamburger Mary's for burgers, beer, and Obama's speech.  Holy crap, if I wasn't hopeful before, let it be known that I am hopeful as all get out now. We need that man in office, he gets it. (Save his opinions on nuclear energy, offshore drilling, etc. of course.

I stepped outside for a smoke:

And thus ends our journey in Denver. Tony headed east early Friday morning, while I spent the day recharging on my sister's couch. Around 7.00 pm (mst) I went to a dear old friend (Jered)'s house for some Mediterranean food and homemade wine. He and his wife Agata spawned the cutest kid in the world, Matthew. This was the first time year and a half old Matthew and I met, and the little bugger stole my heart! Since they did so well the first time, Jered and Ag are at it again, and are expecting sometime in March. Congratulations!!!

Jessie and Jim have arrived in Denver at this point. Jessie joins the latter party for some wine and conversation, while Jim heads off to meet some other friends. Jessie and I then meet up with Jim and friends for a few beers, and then we head back to Sarah's for one last night before The Existential Wild Western Road Show...Now With Politics! 2008 begins its second leg.

Thus spake Megathustra

My Life on the Road...Part Wednesday

That little blob below the cameraman's lanyard is J.Lo.

Off the beaten path of the 16th Street Mall at 8th and Speer lies Sunken Garden Park, home to the Healthcare for All Rally. A benefit for healthcare workers and others to find information on single-payer or universal healthcare. Please vote for Obama in November, regardless of the social issues one may or may not agree with, this is one that hits home, despite any partisan notions. I really don't enjoy paying nearly $200 each time a UTI visits...it's a chronic problem. TMI, I know, but it is getting really annoying, expensive, and no where near the annoyance and expense of other problems that plague the 48,999,999 other people living in this country without affordable insurance.

DeVotchka warming up.

They were doing free massages, acupuncture, acupressure and reflexology under a tent, away from the oppressive sun and traditional Western medicine. Tony and I opted to try acupuncture because the line was the shortest. These needles in my foot almost instantly relieved my aching back (another chronic problem, about which you all have heard me bitch).

These needles in our ears gave us a little energy pick me up. After walking miles and miles in revolutionary and educated shoes, we were quite tired. 

Then the music started, and picked us up even more!

CHUCK D of PUBLIC ENEMY!!! Yeah, he sang "Son of a Bush" it was great!

Jim Hightower cracks me up.

So did this guy, he was bopping around under his umbrella. Me, having forgot my SPF50, wanted to join him, but I decided to stay under my little makeshift hut of placards.

Some guy from Death Cab for Cutie. This was a great set, but I just don't know their music well.

Although my talents lie elsewhere, deep down inside I've always wanted to be a rockstar.

And now, DeVotchka's acoustic set. God they are beautiful.

I like this shot. Its a rock star shot.

God he's beautiful.

After the show, Tony and I met Sarah and Nick (her greatest Boyfriend EVER) at Benny's for some damn good Mexican food and beer. However, all of our previous plans were thwarted when we saw:

We then headed back to the homestead to play Scattegories. But we all had to check our email first:

Thus spake Megathustra

My Life on the Road...Part Sustainable Living Roadshow

Tuesday in Denver began with a huge bout of sleeping in. (We had been through a lot during our first day as journalists, you know?) When the morning, er, mid-morning sun became too much for my sleepiness to handle, I arose to the sounds of a busy downtown Denver, a percolating coffee pot and a few birds.

Apparently, I looked like this:
Aren't you jealous of the person who gets to wake up next to me? Rowr.

After a few rounds of scrubbing and intricate tricks with my hair dryer to lay my bangs just so, Tony and I headed back towards Civic Center Park to see what trouble we could observe.

In the meantime, I remembered exactly how much I dislike Ayn Rand:

And exactly how much I love local record stores and the Ramones:

Civic Center Park was much calmer today, apparently it was "green day" so there were a bunch of stoners milling about. There was also a parade confined to the park grounds of some beautiful floaty characters all aimed at world peace and non-discrimination (video of which will be here soon). I certainly met some interesting, albeit non-papier-mâchéd, characters as well.

These guys were nice. The guy on the right really wasn't so mean looking. He was hamming for the camera.

This is the Best. Mullet. Ever.

Tony and I then hopped over to the 16th Street Mall, where, being on the anniversary of women getting the right to vote, it was apparently Dead Baby Day. (Yes, I know that was crass, but seeing so many pictures of aborted fetuses has really numbed my ability to be anything but). All sorts of women and the like were milling about.

Amy Goodman was speaking at the downtown Sheraton, amidst the throngs of dissenters and yay-sayers. The Code Pink Ladies were there to keep the peace.

Right on, sister.

As elipses!!!

A Note: I deleted all of the dead baby pictures. Words are words and can carry a punch, but the pictures are just flat out disgusting.

Moving on....

To all of those people who are afraid that Obama is too "socialist." I think this convention is about as capitalistic as they come...until next week, that is. Heh.

Taking a break from the madness.

We reached the top!

How big was that vadge, Tony?

We hit this bridge as we were headed to the Sustainable Living Roadshow. Again, I have video of this, so the still pics end here...

Thus spake Megathustra

My Life on the Road...Part Big Monday Night Riot

I had my video camera on for most of this experience, so the still shots are rather few for this post. We saw many officers headed towards the downtown Sheraton, so what do we do? We follow!

We get as close as we can to the scene.

The officers began putting on their gas masks.

They line up and shout "Move Back! Move Back!" while gesturing back with their billy clubs. They move us back. We cough as our eyes begin to water (the tear gas, you know?)

We finally are pushed back onto the 16th Street Mall as word comes to us observers that some anarchists had planned a big riot (figure out what is wrong with that last passage) as the police thwarted them with tear gas and billy clubs.

Boy, what a day! And the Convention has only just begun! I contemplate the luck I have in my opportunity to experience such things and mark the occasion with my second existential picture of the trip:

We then eat some pizza for $3 a Brooklyn slice and head home to watch Michelle Obama's speech.

See you tomorrow!

Thus spake Megathustra