That little blob below the cameraman's lanyard is J.Lo.
Off the beaten path of the 16th Street Mall at 8th and Speer lies Sunken Garden Park, home to the Healthcare for All Rally. A benefit for healthcare workers and others to find information on single-payer or universal healthcare. Please vote for Obama in November, regardless of the social issues one may or may not agree with, this is one that hits home, despite any partisan notions. I really don't enjoy paying nearly $200 each time a UTI visits...it's a chronic problem. TMI, I know, but it is getting really annoying, expensive, and no where near the annoyance and expense of other problems that plague the 48,999,999 other people living in this country without affordable insurance.
DeVotchka warming up.
They were doing free massages, acupuncture, acupressure and reflexology under a tent, away from the oppressive sun and traditional Western medicine. Tony and I opted to try acupuncture because the line was the shortest. These needles in my foot almost instantly relieved my aching back (another chronic problem, about which you all have heard me bitch).
These needles in our ears gave us a little energy pick me up. After walking miles and miles in revolutionary and educated shoes, we were quite tired.
Then the music started, and picked us up even more!
CHUCK D of PUBLIC ENEMY!!! Yeah, he sang "Son of a Bush" it was great!
Jim Hightower cracks me up.
So did this guy, he was bopping around under his umbrella. Me, having forgot my SPF50, wanted to join him, but I decided to stay under my little makeshift hut of placards.
Some guy from Death Cab for Cutie. This was a great set, but I just don't know their music well.
Although my talents lie elsewhere, deep down inside I've always wanted to be a rockstar.
And now, DeVotchka's acoustic set. God they are beautiful.
I like this shot. Its a rock star shot.
God he's beautiful.
After the show, Tony and I met Sarah and Nick (her greatest Boyfriend EVER) at Benny's for some damn good Mexican food and beer. However, all of our previous plans were thwarted when we saw:
We then headed back to the homestead to play Scattegories. But we all had to check our email first:
Thus spake Megathustra
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