Here are some pictures from my recent adventure to Vermont to play with old friends (Jim, Chrissy, Jessie and Petr). What follows are some stream of conscious captions...feel free to add your own!

Jim. And Spatula.
Feet of snow and I'm in a tank top? Heaven!
Gearing up to watch the Great European Adventure 2007: A Movie
What am I thinking?
Zupa Chess and her sidekick Petr.
Who is more hungover in this picture?
Aww, sleepy Petr!
Pretty Chrissy! (Despite what she says, she takes damn good pictures)
Jim thinks I'm Princess Leia
Model! I need Jazz hands, I think.
Ah, foreshadowing.
Le cabin.
I need to learn to brush my hair.
My flight was cancelled.
Dinner table
Flowers and Commies. And Juice, don't forget the juice!
IBS is no fun.
But Jim sure is a trooper!
Das homo est Farfegnuegen. (Bad German grammar and spelling. Get over it)
Chrissy and Andy...
Only Jessie can be this cute while doing dishes.
LOVE the bangs.
Chrissy and Petr are super cute...
YAY! Someone finished the Boston Marathon!
Aunt Polly!
Why does this bike need a lock?
Boston Firefighters. They were pretty hairy.
I felt really cool. And a little dirty.
Things got a little hectic after this picture was taken.
But God, we're cool.
I think Ed is Elvis.
This picture warms my heart.
Jessie showing her other side: Drunk State Trooper.
Thus spake Megathustra