22 May 2008

The Albanian

It is official! The Albanian has returned (in fantastic shiny grey suit glory). However, in my post-and current-puke haze, I forgot my camera. The sisters didn't. I'll post more soon after my Fresca (hopefully) settles my stomach.

Things are a-changin' and I, in my liberal liberal sensibilities, can only hope that the next era of my marriage will be as delightfully untraditional as the last! (But, of course, without that pesky Atlantic ocean in our way).

We'll have an appearance at the Frog tomorrow at 7.30 pm, should you want to come for a drink, or to hold my hair.

Gastronomical outputily yours,

Thus spake Megathustra

This is what the last 7 days have looked like for me

It started with that fucking shark, and hasn't let up since. If you haven't heard from me, this is because I am probably puking my guts out. Oh, and if you aren't already inclined to do so, please vote for Obama (or by some godforsaken miracle-of-sorts, Clinton) in November. Not having health insurance sucks ass. 

Thus spake Megathustra

18 May 2008

I See Famous People

Here is a video my friend Tom helped to make pretty. Little did he know that Anti-Flag has been a huge source of a punk-rock crush for me. Not only are they left of left of left of left (politically, socially, etc...JUST LIKE ME!), but Justin Sane (the lead singer) wrote one of my favorite love songs OF ALL TIME, and I've always had a thing for Chris #2 (the bass player). I'm sensing a theme with my obsessions. I'm sure he would have discussed such things with the band, but I think he was distracted by the roller derby girls. *Sigh* Some things will never change.

Check out this video: The Bright Lights of America

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Thus spake Megathustra

17 May 2008

Shark Attack via Google Image Libs

(Note: some of the links may be NSFW. Most have nothing to do with the story. This is the beauty of Google image.)

When the Mako version of said species gives one an incredibly debilitating bout of food poisoning,  one must find the humor in it. After all, incessant vomiting can be quite entertaining, when there is nothing else to do
After a particularly stressful evening au Ribbit I went to 303 to have a drink with Jim and John, a couple who are one state closer to gaining the full rights of their American citizenships. I sipped my prosecco while discussing the highlights of our evenings, until Jim succumbed to a vicious hiccup attack. We left soon after, but not before the bitchy bus boy sneered us away...
I was looking forward to a good nights sleep, finally, given my insomniac tendencies. However, around 3.30 I woke up nauseated. This is weird, I thought, I felt relatively okay otherwise. Just to be on the safe side, I headed to the bathroom, and just in time. Almost immediately, I lost the mako asiatique from the family meal ingested earlier in the evening. For the next three hours or so, I solidified a close relationship to the porcelain while maintaining some fierce cramps. (And I still have about two weeks left before my next feminine visit, although the symptoms are remarkably similar. HA! TMI!!!) The girls were just beside themselves with worry, I love my kittens, they really are supportive when I feel like shit. Sleep came around 6 am, like usual. And I woke later today to a horrible post-puke hangover, forcing me to forgo a trip to Pittsburg to see Chess, her family and my dad. This is a sad day.
The dizziness and the remaining nausea left around 8.00 this evening, but when I could finally eat something, the same feelings from the hours previous came back with a vengeance. Fuck. I will stay horizontal for a bit longer.

Thus spake Megathustra

13 May 2008

The Great Outdoorsy Naked Hot Tub Winefest 2008: In Pictures

Here are some pictures from my recent adventure to Vermont to play with old friends (Jim, Chrissy, Jessie and Petr). What follows are some stream of conscious captions...feel free to add your own!

Jim. And Spatula.

Feet of snow and I'm in a tank top? Heaven!

Gearing up to watch the Great European Adventure 2007: A Movie

What am I thinking?

Zupa Chess and her sidekick Petr.

Who is more hungover in this picture?


Aww, sleepy Petr!

Pretty Chrissy! (Despite what she says, she takes damn good pictures)

Jim thinks I'm Princess Leia

Model! I need Jazz hands, I think.

Ah, foreshadowing.

Le cabin.

I need to learn to brush my hair.

My flight was cancelled.

Dinner table

Flowers and Commies. And Juice, don't forget the juice!

IBS is no fun.

But Jim sure is a trooper!

Das homo est Farfegnuegen. (Bad German grammar and spelling. Get over it)


Chrissy and Andy...

Only Jessie can be this cute while doing dishes.

LOVE the bangs.

Chrissy and Petr are super cute...

YAY! Someone finished the Boston Marathon!

Aunt Polly!

Why does this bike need a lock?

Boston Firefighters. They were pretty hairy.

I felt really cool. And a little dirty.

Things got a little hectic after this picture was taken.

But God, we're cool.

I think Ed is Elvis.

This picture warms my heart. 

Jessie showing her other side: Drunk State Trooper.

Thus spake Megathustra

12 May 2008

Wish List for the 28th...HINT!

I know what Sarah is giving me!!!
A T-Shirt that says "A pickle is just a cucumber soaked in EVIL" Awesome.

Because I am NOT going through another winter with the tires I currently have...Four Seasons Please!

From Etsy

Thus spake Megathustra

Some of my new favorite pieces...(or, my birthday is coming up...)

Some of my original stuff will be appearing soon (currently I'm dealing with a quick-depleting hard drive on my little white minion, so after transferring shite to the other computer photoshopping it, and transferring it back has taken a bit longer than expected...) Anyhoo, I've been seeking out inspiration via the good ole web...I've come across some old and new obsessions.

The first here, is Glenn Brady. A former punk rocker from Australia, Brady has dealt with crippling depression and anxiety, and drinking to overcompensate. He has been in and out of mental institutions (complete with shock therapy treatments) since the age of 26. But now he deals with his issues through paint. And might I say, beautifully:

Next is Ken Currie
Born in 1960, he deals with physical injury like no tomorrow. The social and political intentions and implications are awe-inspiring...

Mayuko Fujino uses paper cut outs to express her vision of the world. There is a delicate femininity to her work that I find fascinating:

Sally Mann (Thanks Tom!) is a photographer from Virginia whose photographs inspire a cool insanity to a increasingly monotonous world. A few years ago she was "Miley Cyrus-ed" because she published a book with intimate pictures of her children. The jury is still out in my head on how appropriate those pictures are, but in the meantime, her film development style makes my jaw drop.

Thus spake Megathustra

02 May 2008


So last night, after work and work, I come home to my nice little Murphy bed, in hopes of finally getting a good nights sleep. Did I? Nope. At 2 am I awoke to the sound of a train. That's weird, I thought. I don't live next to train tracks. I look outside (at first, I thought there was a disco party in the street), to see the lightening flash, illuminating the wall of rain coming down:

The close up:

Boy, that's a lot of rain. I turn on the TV, I wanted to see if the world had reached its end, and Channel 5 seems to be most apt to tell their audience of their pending doom. Nope, in a matter of about 15-20 minutes or so, the remarkably perpendicular storm line had moved on to Independence and Blue Springs. (Side note: I do enjoy the fact that while KC is experiencing a Storm of the Century, the Channel 5 weather team makes a point to show where the Chiefs' stadium is amidst all the purple swirly doppler clouds, by affixing the little KC Arrowhead just to the side of the Independence marker - such things are important, I'm sure). So I go back to sleep. No death for me tonight, how boring.* So I will conclude with this arty shot I took while using lightening as my flash. Oooohhh:

I cannot let you go with out adding: This is what the overnight weather guy kept repeating last night. "This is a SQUALL. This is completely rare. I apologize to you CSI viewers out there, I will make some calls, we will get you your re-run, but this so rare, we have to be on right now. This is a SQUALL" (mind you, the caps emphasis is all his, although I must agree, that the SQUALL-ishness that abounded this morning at 2 am is completely more interesting than CSI). By the way, can a SQUALL happen in the middle of the country, with no ocean in sight?

Thus spake Megathustra