After leaving the disappointing peace-ish rally at the Federal Courthouse Building, Tony and I thought that things could only get better. Little did we know we were about to come across those of Phelpsian ilk.

Note: The pictures of the demonstrators are not to provide them with free advertisement for their bullshit line of thought, but rather they are to show the utter stupidity of their signs and bullshit line of thought.
Homo-sex is a threat to national security? Seriously? What a douche. (UPDATE: After much thought and discussion with Jessie and Jim, I have been wondering what exactly kind of sex would be a threat to national security. Sex with a Russian spy? A communist? Anything other than missionary? AND honestly, if any sex could be a threat to national security, then I would imagine it would be pretty awesome sex, so count me in!)
A few moments later, the hippie punk cool kids arrived and began yelling louder than the megaphones.
I loved this shirtless guy (of whom you can only see his shoulder in this picture). I love conviction (and shirtlessness) in a man.
This is a drum of LOVE!!! (wait for the video, this guy was GREAT!)
Can you see why this (Arise Together) is my favorite sign?
The police silently arrive.
Yeah, about 75 uniforms showed up almost immediately. From where? From every freaking street corner in Denver. THEY WERE EVERYWHERE. Watching. Just watching. Until...
"You should never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for freedom and truth" Ibsen.
Underwear guy gets tackled, after not provoking any violence, by a police officer shortly after the above picture was taken.
Keep your eye on the red-head dreads.
I have no idea where the underwear guy went.
But if you think about it in objective terms, I can see why the police, if they were to tackle anyone in this demonstration, they would tackle a guy with his pants down, and subsequently arrest his bean-pole hippie friend. Because seriously, there is nothing scarier than a homophobic misogynist with a beer gut and an NRA card. Not that it is right what happened (I'm still chilled and teary about the whole scene), but in terms of practicality, the homophobes out weighed (literally) everybody.
I just don't understand, however, the view point of these people. Honestly, straight people do some pretty freaky (and more "freakier" in terms than gay sex because gay sex isn't "freaky") shit behind closed doors, and, well in front of open ones too. (Not necessarily from my own experience, of course - I choose not to remember that month of my early 20's).
If this is a sex thing, then don't think about it. I don't like to think of what my friends (gay or straight) do with their "special times of love." That is their thing, if I wanted to know, I would ask to join in, but then that would create weirdness and crossing lines, and honestly, I don't really want to see any (well, save a few, of course...I have some pretty pretty friends...) of my friends naked. But that's my thing.
If it is a god thing, then stay the fuck out of my spiritual experience, please.
If it is a political thing, then that makes no sense
If it is anything, just shut up. Jesus was gay. You are gay. I am gay. We all are gay gay gay gay gay gay.
Honestly, I have never felt closer to Tony than I did just after this thing. We embraced and kept moving on. Because really, that's all you can do.
Good thing we did, because a block later, we came across the Human Rights Campaign booth, where we purchased tickets to the concert Tuesday night (Thelma Houston - an exact physical representation of my inner drag queen, Rufus Wainwright, Margaret Cho, Jared Polis, Hillary Clinton's speech!, Melissa Etheridge (holy shit can she rock out), and OMFG CYNDI LAUPER!!! That's right, homophobes, we have Cyndi Lauper on our side! Who do you have? Bush, Cheney, McCain, Palin, and Phelps? We win.
Thus spake Megathustra
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