Here are a few shots around town:

For Jessica: we missed the show, but we did inquire about ticket prices...
I like this guy. I want him to tell me stories. Guys with hats always have the best stories.
Calm in the midst of chaos...
Ooh! Me too! (kinda)
I really don't think right-leaning voters are slow (necessarily), but this guy was so proud of his slogan and his dog, I couldn't resist taking a picture.
Yeah, ladies, I'm thinking "What the Fuck" too.
This is Fran. Fran and I have the same goal: to be in the background of as many strangers' pictures as we possibly can. Even though he isn't in the background of this picture, I'm sure glad I could help Fran out with one of his goals.
I forget this guy's name, but he was super cute and he worked in a specialty food store that had some fantastic-looking olive oil.
The light in Denver is gorgeous.
These are some brownies that the Guy-whose-name-I-forgot made. I wanted to snarf them, but I was full, so I refrained.
I was full because of Jax Fish Shop.
Heh. I like how the vadge totally overpowers the phallic image in this picture.
Yeah, the vadge was this big! (Curb Your Enthusiasm)
I love how the police state this guy is purporting to point out has no police in it. (Although I do realize he means the 12-15 police officers on each corner, the snipers on every building, and the scary legislation that relies solely on a police officer's discretion as to who may be deemed a threat to public safety)
But no matter, I'm bipartisan!
The MSNBC broadcast booth.
Yeah, he's just as douchey in person as he is on TV.
Keith Olberman!
Just wait until I clear enough space on Eugene's harddrive so I can have enough memory to edit my videos together to show you exactly how much the people of Denver and her visitors REALLY like burritos.
Yeah, me too.
Thus spake Megathustra
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