Whilst waiting for more pictures from Amanda's camera (although we didn't take to many that night, as I preferred to have a beer or three in my hand) I must share with the masses the best. night. ever.
In order to attend the Thursday, 6 March show, I was required to trade shifts au Frog with Snow, I was supposed to work Saturday, 8 March. Alas, I was able to take this evening off due to a poor showing of the books AND because I only had about 60% of my normal neck range-of-motion. My legs felt like the were about to fall off. These injuries, or descriptions thereof, are not to solicit any pity, but rather I wear them proudly like a badge of punk-rock honor. You see, I witnessed Gogol Bordello and danced like a maniac. The evening proved to be my triumphant return to the pit, where I think I was punched in the kidney. But this is fine because at that particular moment, I was grasping hands with Eugene (the lead singer) and we were screaming in each others' faces. *sigh* True, I probably drank too much, but because of the imbibing, I was able to overcome any social inhibitions I may otherwise have and hung out with the band after the show. I sang a song with Eugene (side note: my Russian isn't too bad after a few beers) and did shots with the bass player (we are now myspace friends). Eugene even called my best friend who has a MASSIVE crush (even more than mine) on him. I'm sure when I finally grow up, such things will seem trite, but for the moment, I will relish this memory of one of the greatest nights ever.
Also, Amanda and her camera had left by this point, so any proof of this glorious event had to be recorded by Tony's camera phone. Hence the blurriness....but YUMMY nonetheless!
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